Above all else show the data.
~ Edward R. Tufte

We began publishing “money maps” in the 2014 Annual Wrap Up. We were inspired by the ease with which disinformation was misleading great people. A fundamental grounding in the basic statistics of population, geography, natural resources, economy, and military will inform you about the world around you. It will also help protect you from an enormous amount of misleading financial and geopolitical commentary. This includes commentary specifically designed to harvest your time and money.

Here are “money maps” for (14) nations in the G-20 that will help you power up the “geo” in your geopolitical discussions. As more and more investment managers and companies begin to assess allocations between regions based on an area’s percentage of global GDP, grounding in vital statistics is essential in a world where we are “trading places.”

Population (Click On The Column Titles to Sort Data)

Country Population 1 Net
Change 1
Population % 1
Median Age 1 Land Area (km) 1 Density (p/km) 1 # of Billionaires 2 Internet Users (2016) 3 English Speaking % 4
Australia 24,309,330 340,357 89.20% 38 7,596,666 3 30 20,679,490 97%
Brazil 209,567,920 1,720,392 84.20% 31 8,349,320 25 49 139,111,185 5%
Canada 36,286,378 346,451 81.90% 41 9,071,595 4 35 32,120,519 86%
China 1,382,323,332 6,274,389 57.90% 37 9,390,784 147 568 721,434,547 1%
France 64,668,129 272,784 80.50% 41 547,571 118 51 55,860,330 36%
Germany 80,682,351 -6,194 77.20% 46 348,520 232 82 71,016,605 70%
India 1,326,801,576 15,751,049 32.40% 27 2,972,892 446 111 462,124,989 12%
Italy 59,801,004 3,319 70.70% 46 294,152 203 37 39,211,518 40%
Japan 126,323,715 -249,766 94.10% 47 364,571 347 42 115,111,595
Mexico 128,632,004 1,614,780 78.30% 27 1,943,082 66 16 58,016,997 13%
Russia 143,439,832 -17,086 73.20% 39 16,299,981 9 80 102,258,256 5%
South Africa 54,978,907 488,501 63.90% 26 1,213,662 45 7 28,580,290 31%
United Kingdom 65,111,143 395,333 81.70% 40 241,959 269 82 60,273,385 98%
United States 324,118,787 2,345,156 82.70% 38 9,155,898 35 535 286,942,362 96%

1 CIA World Factbook
2 Wikipedia.org
3 Internet Live Stats
4 Wikipedia.org

Natural Resources

Country Land Area
(sq.km) 1
Arable Land
(sq.km) 1
Renewable Water
(cu km) 1
(km) 1
(km) 1
Crude Oil
(bbl) 1
Natural Gas
(cu m) 1
Australia 7,682,300 462,190 492 2,000 25,760 1,200,000,000 860,800,000,000
Brazil 8,358,140 760,081 8,233 50,000 7,491 16,000,000,000 471,100,000,000
Canada 9,093,510 459,150 2,902 636 202,080 171,000,000,000 1,996,000,000,000
China 9,388,211 1,057,200 2,840 110,000 14,500 25,000,000,000 4,945,000,000,000
France 547,557 183,057 211 4,853 84,080,000 8,750,000,000
Germany 348,540 118,760 154 7,467 2,389 100,000,000 47,400,000,000
India 2,973,190 1,570,000 1,911 14,500 7,000 5,675,000,000 1,489,000,000,000
Italy 294,140 68,270 191.3 2,400 7,600 544,500,000 53,720,000,000
Japan 364,560 42,370 430 1,770 29,751 541,600,000 20,900,000,000
Mexico 1,943,950 229,750 457.2 2,900 9,330 9,700,000,000 432,900,000,000
Russia 16,376,870 1,222,400 4,508 102,000 37,653 80,000,000,000 47,800,000,000,000
South Africa 1,213,090 125,000 51.4 2,798 15,000,000 15,010,000,000
United Kingdom 241,930 62,654 147 3,200 12,429 2,800,000,000 205,400,000,000
United States 9,147,420 1,518,370 3,069 41,009 19,924 36,520,000,000 10,440,000,000,000

1 CIA World Factbook


Country Railways (km) 2 Roadways (km) 2 Total Length of Pipelines (km) 2 Mobile Phone Subscribers (Year Varies) 7 Smartphone Penetration % 16 Airports2 Waterways (km) 2
Australia 36,968 823,217 34,612 31,000,000 77% 480 2,000
Brazil 28,538 1,580,964 27,468 280,700,000 41% 4,093 50,000
Canada 77,932 1,042,300 100,000 29,500,000 67% 1,467 636
China 191,270 4,106,387 86,921 1,300,000,000 58% 507 110,000
France 29,640 1,028,446 23,345 64,900,000 49% 464
Germany 43,468 645,000 34,335 99,500,000 60% 539 7,467
India 68,525 4,689,842 35,676 944,000,000 17% 346 14,500
Italy 20,182 487,700 23,190 94,200,000 60% 129 2,400
Japan 27,155 1,210,251 4,734 152,700,000 39% 175 1,770
Mexico 15,389 377,660 37,008 102,200,000 35% 1,714 2,900
Russia 87,157 1,283,387 259,913 221,000,000 45% 1,218 102,000
South Africa 20,986 747,014 3,839 79,500,000 37% 566
United Kingdom 30,859 394,428 39,778 78,500,000 68% 460 3,200
United States 293,564 6,586,610 2,225,032 317,400,000 72% 13,513 41,009

2 CIA World Factbook
7 wikipedia.org
16 wikipedia.org


Country 2015 Est. GDP (Purchasing Power Parity) 2 GDP – Per Capita (PPP) 2 GDP – Real Growth Rate 2 Public Debt (% of GDP) 2 Exports (MM) 2 Outstanding Equity (MM) 10 Gold Reserves (tonnes, 2015) 3
Australia 1,141,000,000,000 47,600 2.40% 44.20% 184,300 1,187,000 79.9
Brazil 3,199,000,000,000 15,600 -3.80% 66.50% 189,700 490,500 67.2
Canada 1,634,000,000,000 45,600 1.10% 98.60% 402,400 1,593,000 52.7
China 19,700,000,000,000 14,300 6.90% 15.30% 2,011,000 8,188,000 1,842.6
France 2,666,000,000,000 41,500 1.30% 96.20% 505,400 2,088,000 2,435.8
Germany 3,860,000,000,000 47,000 1.50% 71.20% 1,283,000 1,716,000 3,377.9
India 7,998,000,000,000 6,200 7.60% 52.40% 271,600 1,516,000 557.8
Italy 2,175,000,000,000 35,800 0.80% 132.80% 436,300 480,500 2,451.8
Japan 4,843,000,000,000 38,100 0.50% 230.00% 641,400 4,895,000 765.2
Mexico 2,230,000,000,000 18,400 2.50% 46.50% 359,300 402,300 120.6
Russia 3,725,000,000,000 26,000 -3.70% 9.40% 259,300 393,200 1,615.2
South Africa 725,900,000,000 13,200 1.30% 44.40% 83,160 735,900 125.3
United Kingdom 2,702,000,000,000 41,500 2.20% 89.00% 412,100 3,019,000 310.3
United States 18,040,000,000,000 56,100 2.60% 73.60% 1,471,000 25,070,000 8,133.5

2 CIA World Factbook
3 The World Gold Council
10 The World Bank


Country US Military Personnel (2016) 13 Military (% of GDP, 2015) 15 Nuclear Warheds 11 Aircraft Carriers 4
Australia 187 2.0%
Brazil 1.4% 1
Canada 139 1.0%
China 2.0% 260 1
France 2.1% 300 1
Germany 34,562 1.2%
India 2.4% 120 2
Italy 12,099 1.3% 2
Japan 38,807 1.0%
Mexico 0.7%
Russia Unavailable 7,000 1
South Africa 1.1%
United Kingdom 8,380 1.9% 215
United States 960,499 3.3% 6,800 10

4 wikipedia.org
11 icanw.org
13 wikipedia.org
15 The World Bank

Space Programs

Country Satellites in Orbit (2015) 17 Space Budget ($MM) 14 Space Program Founded
Australia 7 35
Brazil 9 183 2015
Canada 28 474 1989
China 180 6,111 1993
France 9 2,713 1989
Germany 24 1,687 1972
India 38 1,159 1969
Italy 7 1,223 1988
Japan 57 3,597 2003
Mexico 4 10 2010
Russia 136 5,265 1955
South Africa 2 2010
United Kingdom 41 367 2010
United States 561 39,332 1958

14 OECD Library
17 Union of Concerned Scientists